Wedang Ronde

Posted by world | 4:47 AM | 0 comments »

Wedang Ronde, the name of a traditional beverage that is known in the mainly Central Java city of Solo. Drink is a fusion of various traditional spices Indonesia is very suitable to be drunk in winter. In the city of Solo is commonly sold drinks at night, for people who likes to stay up all night enjoying the atmosphere.

If you feel curious about this drink, we'll tell you how to make this wedang ronde.

Sticky rice flour 250 grams.
Ginger 1 bh., Crushed.
2 tsp lemon grass, crushed.
Skinless peanuts.
1 lt water.
Sugar to taste.
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How to Make:
Creating wedang: Boil water with sugar, lemon grass and ginger, boil, turn off the fire.

Knead sticky rice flour with warm boiled water little by little until the dough can be formed. Divided into 3 parts remain white one, that one part of a little red color, a green color (Suji leaves and berries pounded pandan leaves little water filtered). Then the form of seed marbles.

Boil water in a saucepan. Enter dots or round glutinous flour cook until the floating lift.

Enter the round circles in the water wedang.
How to serve: Serve in bowls sprinkled with rounds of fried beans.
Pleasant and warm especially when the rainy season!